I'd like to introduce you to my folks--Jim and Sue. They may look happy in this picture don't they? Well, I can assure you that they will be pretty miffed that I have put their picture up on the internet (especially mom).
These two lovebirds have been married for a whopping 35 years now! Pretty fantastic. I'm tempted to say that "they are the best parents in the whole world," but I'm afraid of all the Napoleanic responses..."like anyone can know that."
Even if they aren't the BEST, they rank really, really high. I'm thankful to have them as parents...I'm thankful for their 35 years of marriage...I'm thankful in advance for many more...and I'm thankful that Christine and I have something to aspire towards. We are not even quite to 9. BUT--mom and dad--we'll just keep following your lead.
We love you.